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Simple python3 script to download pdf from internazionale.it website
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diesys / MoToGIF
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyMoToGIF - Movie To GIF
A simple utility using ffmpeg to convert a video into a good quality and optimized GIF, using a temporary color palette file. credits: https://engineering.giphy.com/how-to-make-gifs-with-ffmpeg/
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diesys / pomelo
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Web service per creare un torneo, gestisce i partecipanti ad un torneo e calcola i punteggi delle singole partite secondo il sistema ELO. Fork of: https://git.eigenlab.org/profeta/tornelo
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Giuseppe Lombardi / TornELO
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Script che crea un torneo, gestisce i partecipanti ad un torneo e calcola i punteggi delle singole partite secondo il sistema ELO. Mostra infine la classifica dei punteggi.
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Educational purpose project, aimed to basic level students. Introduces to various programming languages and applications, ranging from basic syntax to I/O and libraries.
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diesys / iblu
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyIntel Black Light Util
Python 3 script to change backlight from cli new gen. intel iX video cards.
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eigenlab / django-leaflet-storage
Do What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseLeaflet-storage-backend for leaflet
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